Is 392 Home



Our Mission

The pursuit of excellence is the mission of I.S. 392. A variety of instructional methodologies, including the integration of the arts, mentorship, as well as technology across the curriculum, enrich student learning and cultivate divergent thinking. Students will be provided with the support and assistance to meet their educational needs and socioemotional development and will be expected to assume individual responsibility for their educational progress. A positive, cooperative working relationship will be fostered between all stakeholders.


A message about school open

Nycschools New York City public school buildings will be OPEN tomorrow, February 14.

All programs and activities will be held as scheduled.
We urge all New Yorkers to continue to exercise
caution when traveling, use public transit whenever
possible, and allow extra time for travel. If you have questions, please contact the principal or parent coordinator at your child's school.
Thank you for supporting with your child's learning
Welcome  392 Admins

From the Principal’s Desk….

I am excited and honored to serve as your principal. This will be a year full of greatness and firsts for us all. Let me officially welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year.

Who We Are

At I.S. 392 we are dedicated to a student-centered program that promotes academic excellence through an enriched, rigorous inter-disciplinary curriculum. Each year, our students encounter a highly intensive and challenging academic program that will push them to work beyond their limits. We are confident that all of our students will have the capacity and ability to meet our expectations and the demands of their classes and teachers. Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all of this to prepare them for the demands of the real-world; so they can become producitive citizens.
Students congregated in hallway

Principal's Message

At I.S. 392 we are dedicated to a student-centered program that promotes academic excellence through an enriched, rigorous inter-disciplinary curriculum. Each year, our students encounter a highly intensive and challenging academic program that will push them to work beyond their limits. We are confident that all of our students will have the capacity and ability to meet our expectations and the demands of their classes and teachers. Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all of this to prepare them for the demands of the real-world; so they can become productive citizens.